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Beginning in Beekeeping: Start Your Very First Beehive!
Section 1: Introduction
Introduction to the course (11:25)
Get the most from this Course
Can you become a beekeeper? (3:46)
Benefits of bees and beekeeping (6:34)
Challenges in starting any new project
Activity: Self-reflection on starting new projects
Cost to start one hive (4:21)
Activity - Draw up your own basic budget
Summary section 1 (1:11)
Section 2: Approaches to beekeeping
Introduction to section 2 (1:08)
Different approaches to beekeeping (13:30)
Activity - What approach interests you?
The fixed comb hive (6:44)
The top bar hive (10:36)
The frame hive (7:27)
Hive innovations (12:33)
Activity - Research your local and national beekeeping associations
Activity - Attend a meeting of your local beekeeping association
Activity - What types of hives are most common in your country/locality?
Summary section 2 (2:04)
Section 3: About the honeybee colony
Introduction to section 3 (1:26)
A little bit about bees (8:16)
Occupants of the hive - queen, drones and workers (8:06)
The life-cycle of the honeybee colony (6:52)
The beekeeping year (8:11)
Activity: The beekeeping year in your locality
Bee Biology Quiz
Summary of section 3
Section 4: Bee hives and other basic beekeeping equipment
Introduction to section 4 (1:56)
Components of typical frame hive (7:07)
The nucleus hive (Nuc) (7:02)
Activity - Choose your type of hive to start with
Activity (Optional) - Make your own horizontal top bar hive (15:41)
Caring for and maintaining your hive (5:12)
Protective and other basic equipment needed (3:24)
Activity - Research local bee equipment suppliers
Summary of section 4
Section 5: Establishing an apiary and getting bees
Introduction to section 5
Beekeeping and safety issues (24:59)
Factors to consider when choosing an apiary site (16:13)
Activity - Choose your own apiary site (14:00)
How to set up your beehive in apiary (9:03)
Activity (Optional) - Make a simple hive stand (7:19)
Activity - Acquire basic beekeeping equipment (11:03)
Activity - Assemble your hive (18:03)
Activity - Paint your beehive (4:26)
Activity - Make up frames with foundation (13:21)
Activity - Set up your hive on your hive stand (4:09)
Stocking your empty beehive with bees (20:05)
Activity - Research local suppliers of bees
Getting ready to work with bees (11:44)
Activity - Transfer bees in a nucleus colony into your hive (26:58)
Activity - Catching a swarm of bees and stocking a hive - Part 1 (18:38)
Activity - Catching a swarm of bees and stocking a hive - Part 2 (11:49)
Summary of section 5
Section 6: Basic bee management
Introduction to section 6 (2:15)
Principles of bee management (7:29)
An overview of seasonal management (8:08)
Record keeping
How to inspect a beehive (20:03)
Hive inspection and queen marking - demonstration (34:17)
Inspecting the top bar hive (13:57)
Activity - Inspect your own beehive
Bee health, pests and disease - Part 1 (19:52)
Bee health, pests and disease - Part 2 (19:36)
Activity - Bee pests and diseases in your country
Swarm prevention and control (29:17)
Activity - Nucleus method of swarm control (23:17)
Uniting two colonies of bees
Feeding bees (23:13)
Demonstration - Feeding bees with a rapid feeder (6:24)
Activity - Make and use a simple home made bee feeder (6:36)
Planting for bees (6:45)
Activity - Establish a floral calendar for your area
Some key challenges in beekeeping
Summary section 6 (2:42)
Section 7: Bee products
Introduction to section 7 (2:18)
Honey, wax and other products from bees (14:21)
Harvesting honey from your beehive (10:11)
Extracting and processing honey (18:24)
Storing your supers after extraction (6:59)
Packing, labelling and marketing honey (11:19)
Activity - Harvest, extract, process, package and label your own honey
Processing beeswax from your hive (11:34)
Demonstration - Processing beeswax (Kenya) (5:37)
Demonstration - Filter beeswax (11:39)
Activity - Add beeswax to the top bars for your top bar hive (Optional) (17:02)
Activity - Make a beeswax candle (11:31)
Activity - Make a beeswax polish (8:20)
Summary of section 7
Section 8: Course conclusion
Introduction to section 8
Review of what we have covered in this course
Further reading and resources on starting beekeeping
Congratulations! (1:55)
Activity - Choose your own apiary site
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